吕秀菱,1962年1月29日出生,是著名的电影演员。小时候就开始学习钢琴,后来进入华岗艺校,1979年在非常长寿的电视节目五灯奖中以琵琶表演脱颖而出,获得独奏比赛的冠军,于是进入演艺圈,加入了琼瑶的巨星公司成为基本演员,主演了不少爱情文艺片。Ash Hollywood (born May 27, 1989) is an American pornographic actress.Lee Croni...
When a young woman is found lying in the street, savagely beaten and near daeth, she's taken to a big city hospital where two young doctors try to save her life. As she recovers, she refuses to talk a...
After spending fifteen years in an asylum, Hilary Fairfield escapes from the institution after regaining his sanity. He finds that things at home are different than when he left them. His wife has div...
曾演出電影《拒絕聯考的小子》的63歲演員賀軍政,今(20日)驚傳不敵膀胱癌,於本周一(10/17)晚上因膀胱癌感染引發敗血症病逝於三總,目前遺體暫厝台北第二殯儀館,告別式將於11月8日在台北第二殯儀館追思廳舉行,演藝圈友人得知消息都感到震驚。Elina Salo (born 9 March 1936 in Sipoo, Finland) is a Finnish film, theatre and...
戴明“北漂”多年,上了几十部影视剧,虽说没领过衔挑过大梁,但频频地在荧屏上露脸儿,倒也常慰了我们这些朋友的心。春节期间的一次聚会上,哥们儿祝他上更多的戏,演更多的角色,增加更大的知名度,他也笑呵呵地说:新年之中当然会在荧屏上加把劲混个“脸儿熟”。Michael Hazen James McIntyre (born 21 February 1976) is an English comedian, ...
Lois Ames is devoted to her job as the editor of a magazine, and her wealthy husband Fred is equally dedicated to polo and parties. Lois's long hours drive her secretary to quit, and she replaces her ...